Delta Overton is a real life Steel Magnolia. She's a dynamic package of wisdom and wit, delivered through a 1000 megawatt smile. As National Sales Director for Revision Skincare, a company that provides skincare products to plastic surgeons, dermatologists and spas, Delta travels up to 120,000 air miles each year. Carolina Business Coach caught up with her for this month's Client Success Interview (and believe us, you have to move quickly to catch Delta)
We first met you in 2007 when you were going through some significant transitions personally and professionally. What was that like? I had been going through a whirlwind of professional and personal changes. When my husband became terminally ill, we sold our medical distribution laser company after 19 years of working together. I took a position as National Sales Director for a fledgling company, and the entrepreneur in me was very excited but after two years, I felt very undercompensated. When my husband passed away, I felt that I needed help renegotiating my compensation package; that is when I contacted Harvey Smith.
How did working with a coach differ from talking to a significant other, friend, or coworker? It was totally different. I knew Harvey was there to help me make my own decisions. It was important for me to make the right decisions, and just as important to avoid the wrong decisions. People who know me couldn't be as objective.
What was most helpful for you? The biggest thing with me was clarity. I was able to talk it out with somebody that understood me, and could guide my thought process. The more we talked, the more I realized I wasn't doing what I wanted to do. That is when I started moving toward other things. You can talk things to death but until you put them in the right perspective you can't look at them objectively. Harvey helped me get to that clear place each time.
How did you arrive at your current position?
I was contacted by someone I knew who worked there. I had not actually interviewed for a very long time since I'd been offered other positions simply on my reputation. I went back to Harvey to help me with my interview skills. I've always been very intuitive in dealing with people, but I wanted help knowing what and how to phrase things in order to ace my interviews.
Revision SkinCare apparently felt you'd aced those interviews, too, and offered you a position in Dallas, TX. Yet another major life transition, wasn't it?
Yes, it was a hectic time. I was still in Charlotte getting my house ready to sell, while having to hire 7 new sales people and working with 9 existing hires already with the company. Again, I called on Harvey--this time to use hiring assessments to identify the best fit for the job and our company culture. I had him assess the rest of the sales team for their communication skills. The best fit for Revision SkinCare were those who had great communication and the ability to build relationships-- repeat sales are very important to their compensation. We were able to hire the most people-oriented economically motivated candidates.
Last January we flew Harvey into Dallas to give our sales team a communication workshop and he kept them engaged the entire time--not an easy thing to do!
You've been a client for a long time; can you think of one thing that had great impact for you? I've always believed in writing things down. Harvey suggested that I write down what was important to me professionally. On January 20, 2008 I wrote that I wanted 1) Respect 2) To be able to do what I like and 3) To experience, ethical business people with an understanding of the sales process. And you know what? I have all that now.
Can you tell us about your personal transition? After I made that list of professional wants, back in 2008, I also made a personal list of qualities I wanted in a life partner. Just a few weeks before I was going to move to Dallas, I suddenly looked at a dear friend of mine in a new light-- apparently it was mutual and Pete and I were married three months later-- and we are deliriously happy. I actually came across that list I made in Harvey's office when I was unpacking in Dallas--- and that wish list fit Pete to a 'T'! By the way, Harvey came to our wedding on a beach in Charleston--he's become an important part of both our lives.
Before you dash off again, please tell us about your husband Pete's recent career transition?
Pete's a former schoolteacher with a degree in animal husbandry. He decided to work with Harvey by phone after we moved to Dallas as he was ready to transition into a new career that he loved. Harvey helped Pete zero in on a direction --he is now working at the Dallas Zoo, and could not be more excited about his future!
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